(BIVN) – A draft environmental assessment for planned improvements to Miloliʻi Beach Park has been published, and the community will have until September 8 to provide comments.
The County of Hawai‘i Department of Parks and Recreation wants to improve the Miloliʻi Beach Park buildings and amenities, in order to comply with current Americans with Disabilities Act guidelines. The project involves improvements to the comfort station and associated water supply, pavilion, parking lot, walkways, and basketball/volleyball courts, the draft EA says. According to the document:
The existing Miloliʻi Beach Park parking lot, walkways, and basketball/volleyball courts are in a current state of disrepair, with cracks and eroded areas. These conditions have impacted park access and safety. Both the restroom and hālau/pavilion structures must be replaced in their entirety due to their age and extensive need for repair and modifications. Further, the existing pavilion is currently unpermitted, and would be brought up to County standards with implementation of the proposed improvements.

image from the Draft Environmental Assessment for the Miloli‘i Beach Park Accessibility Improvement Project
The County says the project intends to protect the health and safety of the public, bring the facilities into ADA compliance, and provide connecting walks and ramps for greater accessibility from one park feature to the next.
The County also says it wants to provide improved recreational facilities for the Miloli‘i community, and increase the longevity of existing beach park facilities, while maintaining the character of the existing Miloli‘i Beach Park, which is of great importance to South Kona’s seaside community that is known as “the last Hawaiian fishing village”.
The project will also replace the non-potable water storage and booster pump station for the new comfort station, reconstruct and resurface the basketball and volleyball courts, construct a new playground, designate a boat turnaround area, and install “vehicular barriers to prevent unauthorized vehicles from accessing the shoreline and the pavilion”.
The proposed project also includes lighting for the restrooms and area lighting along the accessible paths, and the removal of two trees.
The environmental review is necessary because the park is located along the shore and within the “Conservation District” under the jurisdiction of the State Board of Land and Natural Resources. It is also located within the County’s Special Management Area.
by Big Island Video News4:43 pm
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MILOLIʻI, Hawaiʻi - The County wants to bring the South Kona shoreline park into compliance with current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines.