Greggor Ilagan at the Hawaii County Council meeting in Hilo on Wednesday.
PUNA – Puna councilmember Greggor Ilagan is going to run for the state senate district 2 seat in 2016. The state senate seat is currently occupied by Russell Ruderman, who has yet to finalize his future political plans.
Ilagan issued his announcement by press release on Wednesday.
Greggor Ilagan announces run for State Senate
Puna, Hawaiʻi August 5, 2015 — Council member Greggor Ilagan is running for the District 2 seat in the Hawaiʻi State Senate in 2016 to represent the great people of Puna and Kaʻū – for our values, our culture and for a better tomorrow.
Greggor Ilagan is in his second term on the Hawaiʻi County Council and was first elected in 2012 as the youngest council member in the history of Hawaiʻi County. Council member Ilagan believes that a great future is dependent on footprints of great leaders. It was true when he was in the Air National Guard, and he believes it even more on the County Council.
“The future of politics as I’ve always seen it is about the people. I want to continue making a difference on the issues affecting our families, friends and neighbors. This has compelled me to run for the State Senate,” said Ilagan. “I will continue to be the person who listens to people’s concerns and tackles problems important to them. I need your support, and can’t wait to see what we will accomplish together for a better tomorrow.”
You can learn more about Greggor Ilagan and his campaign by visiting http://voteilagan.com or contact him at voteilagan@gmail.com.
by Big Island Video News4:07 pm
on at
Puna councilmember Greggor Ilagan is going to run for the state senate district 2 seat in 2016. The state senate seat is currently occupied by Russell Ruderman, who has yet to finalize his future political plans.