UPDATE (5:50 p.m.) – The Hawaii Police Department reports that both lanes of Highway 19 near Iokua Lane in Waimea are now open. “Public Works and Utility Crews are still working in the area,” police say. “Please drive with caution.”
WAIMEA, Hawaii – A fallen tree closed Highway 19 in Waimea on Sunday.
At 3:30 p.m., Hawaii Police Department issued an alert, reporting that a downed tree and utility lines has caused the closure of both lanes of the highway 19 at Iokua Lane.
“Police and utility crews are on scene now,” police reported. “There is no estimated duration for this closure at this time.”
Update (4:37 p.m.) – The road closure is estimated to last at least 3 hours. Public Works is on scene.
Motorists were advised to use alternate routes in the alert message.

Photo of the traffic backed up on Highway 19 by Lynn Beittel, Visionary Video.
by Big Island Video News4:36 pm
on at
WAIMEA (BIVN) - A downed tree and utility lines has caused the closure of both lanes of the Highway 19 at Iokua Lane in Waimea on Sunday.