(BIVN) – Scientists recently took a helicopter flight to Mauna Loa’s Southwest Rift Zone, where – at an elevation of 11,240 feet above sea level – they performed maintenance on the Sulfur Cone Multi-Gas instrumentation site.
The USGS Volcano Alert Level for Mauna Loa is at NORMAL. The USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory recently reported that “gas and temperature data from a station on Mauna Loa’s Southwest Rift Zone show that H2S averages below 10 ppm, SO2 remains below the detection limit, and fumarole temperatures remain steady at 83°C, all of which are unchanged from previous months.”
The purpose of the August 2nd mission on Mauna Loa “was to replace the Multi-Gas instrument, which had been at this location since September 2022, with a newly calibrated instrument and to replace the batteries which power the site,” the USGS HVO wrote. “On average, batteries at HVO monitoring stations are typically changed approximately every 5 years, with continuously monitoring Multi-Gas instruments being replaced about every 2 years.”
Mauna Loa last erupted in late-2022.
by Big Island Video News4:52 pm
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ISLAND OF HAWAIʻI - The USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory released photos of the recent trip to the Sulfur Cone Multi-Gas instrumentation site.