Senate Floor Session, livestreamed by Hawaiʻi Senate.
(BIVN) – The Hawaiʻi State Legislature convened a special session on Tuesday in order to vote on several veto overrides.
Governor David Ige on Tuesday announced he has vetoed 26 of 28 bills on his Intent-to-Veto list. Now, the lawmakers who passed the legislation can, by a two thirds vote, resurrect the vetoed bills to make them law.
So far, Governor Ige’s veto has been overridden by a 2/3 vote in both the House and the Senate:
- HB862 – RELATING TO STATE GOVERNMENT: Abolishes the office of aerospace development, aerospace advisory committee, and Hawaii unmanned aerial systems test site advisory board. Transfers administration of the Pacific international space center for exploration systems from DBEDT to the University of Hawaii at Hilo. Transfers the administration of and the budget for the Challenger center Hawaii program from the office of aerospace development to DOE. Decreases transient accommodations tax allocation to the convention center enterprise special fund. Repeals transient accommodation tax allocation to the counties. Authorizes the counties to establish a county transient accommodations tax at a rate not to exceed three per cent. Effective 1/1/2022, repeals the tourism special fund and repeals certain compensation package limits for the president and chief executive officer of HTA. Repeals the HTA’s exemption from the public procurement code. Makes an appropriation for HTA.
- SB1387 – RELATING TO MICROCHIP IDENTIFICATION: Requires dog and cat owners to microchip their pets.
- SB811 – RELATING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION: Requires the department of education to publish a weekly report on schools that have reported positive COVID-19 cases.
- SB404 – RELATING TO ELECTIONEERING COMMUNICATIONS: Lowers the monetary threshold that triggers disclosure of electioneering communications. Repeals the requirement that disclosures of electioneering communications occur on the date of any subsequent expenditures. Classifies election advertisements sent by mail at any postal rate as electioneering communications. Exempts communications that are actual expenditures of an organization from being considered electioneering communications. Excludes candidate and candidate committees from the disclosure requirements. Applies beginning with the 2022 primary election.
- SB263 – RELATING TO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Transfers oversight of the “Hawaii Made” program for manufactured products and the “Hawaii Made” trademark to the department of business, economic development, and tourism. Outlines the department of business, economic development, and tourism’s duties and responsibilities for oversight of the “Hawaii Made” program for manufactured products. Appropriates federal funds to the department of business, economic development, and tourism.
The House also voted to override other vetoes, but the Senate has yet to take action. The special session continues on Thursday.
by Big Island Video News7:12 am
on at
HONOLULU, Hawaiʻi - The State House and the State Senate on Tuesday evening voted to block Governor Ige's veto of HB862, SB1387, SB11, SB404 and SB263.